Thursday, October 8, 2009

Breeding and New Cria

We spent last Sunday breeding our Alpacas. Three breedings in one day. I was tired trying to corral and move the animals. I sure they were tired after there ordeal as well.

On Monday night, our last pregnant female for this year gave birth to a boy. He is black/brown in color. With a farm of mostly white Alpacas, it is fun to see more color. We had a successful year with birthing: 5 healthy cria (3 girls and 2 boys). As for next year, we will have 6 pregnant females. The herd just keeps growing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to Storytime Alpacas

Welcome to the new blog of Storytime Alpacas. The goal is to share information about what is going on at the farm - all the poop.